
Arms of THL Alexander Blackram
Arms of THL Alaina Blackram
Alexander and Alaina at Chaucer Event
Alexander's Cloak


450+ hours of split stitch embroidery     
Alaina's Cloak


900+ hours of split stitch embroidery
I need practice  with my digital camera.  My first A&S project - a reproduction of Infanta Catalina's dress in Janet Arnold's Patterns of Fashion.
THL Alexander Blackram attending TRH Nan Astrid Val Day 2003 in his new German attire
Alexander photo for trading cards 2002
Alaina photo for trading cards 2002
Jade (pink headdress) and Sierra (purple headdress) in their Italian ren dresses 1540's done by Auntie Alaina,  Mom Kris is in the center in Alaina's 1490's italian ren and fancy sleeves at Silverleaf Fair 2003 (they are 3 years old)
Loki in his new red coat Christmas 2002

This site was last updated 11/07/07